Sunday, August 15, 2010

Teaching Practicum... Journal III (August 12, 2010)

To learn how to teach is something that takes time. Honestly we say that we teach, but have we learned how to teach indeed?
We need to learn to teach in order to be able to teach others because we never know how we influence the people we teach to.
This was my Third class with Technical English I and until this point I can say that I am happy to know that being in that group has been a nice experience for me and I have nothing to complain about.

To teach English for future Kindergarden teachers was a nice challenge for me. At first I thought that it was going to be hard because I was going to work with a Whole group of girls. There was not a single boy in this group and this made think that these girls were going to be pickier or something similar, but what I didn't know was that in certain aspects it is better to work with girls only.
I really enjoyed every class since the first class and I felt very confident and comfortable since the very beginning of this period. Things went well during my third class thank God. 

*The warm up activity went well, but I have to remember that we have to use the appropriate vocabulary according to the level we are in. We were playing the category game and I asked the students to say the name of any fruit, but some of them didn't know any name, so next time I will consider the vocabulary I have to use.

*The activities went well too. The students worked individually, in pairs, in trios and in groups of 5. I consider that this helps the students to interact each others and to practice the language in a better way. Something related to all the activities we developed is that as a teacher I have to check the pronunciation of certain complicated words in order to avoid making mistakes when teaching the words to the students.

*Finally I want to highlight the importance of making the students to repeat the words, or expressions as much as they can because this will help them to remember the correct pronunciation. Something very important that I want to comment too is the fact of asking the students to pay attention to the teacher or their peers while they are speaking when necessary. Sometimes we do not ask the students to keep silence and this affect our activities because when someone interrupts the class it is harder for others to concentrate on the tasks.

I am gratreful with my tutor teacher for making me observations to improve my classes. Thank to my tutor teacher I have learned important things during my Teaching Practicum.

"A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others. " 


  1. Hello teacher Elizabeth!
    The warm-up activity you described is a very nice one. The problem as you said, is that the students you have are just beginning the subject and they do not have the enough vocabulary to play. That would be a disadvantage of working with Basic levels.

    I am in agreement with you when you say that students have to repeat the vacabulary or structures because in that way, they will learn how to pronounce different words. That is one of the problems I have. I usually forget to use repetition drills.

  2. I think that it's also good to try to push our students to a certain level because only in that way we will know how much they know. It was good to ask the names of some fruits. Imagine that you had taught a lot of words and your students had known them all or almost all, maybe they would have felt bored! Asking for those words only helped you realize how much they knew or didn't know. I'm glad that you feel good with this group. I can see you're doing a great job!

  3. One of the most important thing you`ve done there is that this girls are going to be teacher in the future and with children. They are going to transmite the knowledge they got with you. I know that it is kind of strange to work only with girls, but I know that this has to have some advantages. One important thing when teaching is repetition drills, you can see and check if they`re saying the correct pronunciation of the given topic.

  4. Elizabeth,

    I know what you are talking about when you say that you were worried that these girls were going to be picky. I had been in that situation and it has been intimidating at first, but then you get used to it.

    I think that it was a good idea to do this warm up. It is ok if you realized that some of them did not have the necessary vocabulary, but I m afraid you might face the same situation with other groups.

    I agree with you that it takes time to learn how to teach. I might even say that we never stop learning. Each new group is a new experience and new challenges for the teachers.

    Cristian Meléndez

  5. Elizabeth, it is very interesting to read your journal and learn from your experiences.I am sure you work hard in every single class.I consider that it necessary to break down with stereotypes that of course are really difficult to overcome. I know what you mean when you write about some of the difficulties with the studets and I feel all of them are necessary to learn more about teaching. I know you are a responsible and creative woman, and there is no doubt about your development of your teaching practice because I am sure you try to do your best. Congratz

  6. Hey teacher Elizabeth!
    I'm really sure that you are working hard,and that you are doing a good job. Remember that students sometimes need to be pushed to work, and it has also happened to me.
    I can see that you really like that group and that you enjoy being with them, and it is ovious because you are an excellent teacher. I have observed you whe teaching and that's why I can say you are doing your best.
    Continue working hard teacher Elizabeth!!!!!
