Saturday, August 7, 2010

Teaching Practicum... Journal II (August 3rd)

Here we are sharing our experiences once again!

This was my second week at Technical English I. And thank God, this week was better than the first one. I consider that things went better because I tried to follow my tutor’s directions and observations. I know that teaching English at any level is a challenge and sometimes we face serious problems, but the rewards of this are better than we imagine because we grow in knowledge and in experience.

I want to share some of the things that went well this week.

  • Conversation practice was an activity that went well during the class. The girls practiced the conversation at the same time that they were performing it. Something very important when performing conversations is the fact of having the objects the conversations mention for example because this makes the conversation much more real and interesting.

  • Another activity that went well too was an activity in which the students had to write the plural of some nouns using the demonstrative pronouns. I could prove how important is the fact of correcting errors at the moment the students are working because in this way we help our students to do things in the correct way. Otherwise our students are going to think that things are correct in the way they do it.

  • Finally I want to point out the importance of checking out our material before using it. I made some mistakes when I prepared my material and I didn’t check it before printing it. I didn’t notice that I had written the word ADRESS with 3 letters S (ADRESSS) until a student noticed it. So next time I will remember to check things twice or thrice before printing them.

    I want to continue doing the things that went well and to change those ones that didn’t work. : )

“In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years.” ~Jacques Barzun


  1. Hi teacher Ely!! I want to congratulate you because as you said, everything went well in your class because you followed your tutor´s directions. I think that it is really important to pay attention to what they suggest to us because they take it into acount when they are evaluating us!!

    You mentioned that you had made a mistake in writing a word. I think that it has happened to all of us! It is nice that a student saw it because that means that they were paying attention. As we know, you have a group of girls that are studying a different major. If they checked that there was a mistake in the material is because they have learned something!!

    Good luck Mrs. Fields!!

  2. You`re right, something really important when teaching is to check the material before using it in a classroom what you shoul do is to prepare everything a day before in order to check is everything is correct,though sometimes we re-read before using something,for example copies,worksheets or other things and we just don`t see. These things happen. I know you like to prepare everything for your classes and that is really good for a teacher who loves her job...or in this case Practicum....whatever... I know you`re working hard to get nt only good grades, but also to be a good teacher in front of your students..

  3. Elizabeth,

    I want to comment on something that you wrote about error correction. For some people it is better to correct the students at the moment they make the mistake and for other, they wait and correct them later. It also depends on the type of students that you have. For example, for shy students, they might feel bad if you are correcting them in front of the class, but for others, it might be beter to be corrected at the moment they make the mistake. You have to be careful because if you are looking for fluency, it is better not to correct the studets a lot, but if yiu are looking for accuracy, then, you have to corect the students.

    I know you are doing a great job in your teaching practice.
    Keep the great work!!

    Cristian Meléndez.

  4. well, Elizabeth. What you said about the material is true. It happened to me last semester in teaching practicum I. It is very important to pay attention to the little details that have to do with our class.

    Sometimes it happens because we are in a hurry, that's why we don't pay attention to what we do.
    It is important to be careful at the time we are preparing our material. That's why it is better to work on that in advanced.

    I also want to mention that you have been doing a nice job, congratulations my friend.
