Sunday, September 12, 2010

Journal II, Second Class

“Every day is a new opportunity for gaining new experiences in the teaching field for the rest of our lives.”

This was my second experience of teaching at Intermediate English I and I consider that things went much better than the previous week.

There were many things that went well during my second class. Actually I can say that practically all things went well. The warm up activity was very interesting because all the students were participating and were practicing the grammar structure they had studied the previous week. I consider that is better if warm-ups activities are connected with the previous topic students have studied or the topic the teacher is going to develop in the class because in this way we help our students to practice what they have learned previously and we also introduce them to the new topic they are going to study.
The activities we developed all through the class went well. There was a particular activity in which the students had to choose a famous person and think about some questions they would like to ask these people if they were alive. Some of these famous people were for example Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Celia Cruz, etc. It was very interesting to observe how the students formulated the sentences using the simple past tense. One of the students for example, said that if Albert Einstein were alive, he would like to ask him why he invented the relativity theory. The students made interesting questions, and the best of all was that they were using the correct structure.

I know that there are many things I still need to improve, but I feel satisfied with the work I’ve done until this day. I know that I still have to look for a way to make all the students get involved in every single activity. I know they have problems with this aspect, but I will try to do all I can to help them to improve these aspects. At the end I will help not only my students, but myself too.


  1. It is nice to see that your students were involved in this particular class because we are talking about famous people,but these kind of people are not so interesting for the students so I am happy to see that they were participating and giving their own sentences in the class. I know that it`s hard for you to make them work because they`re kind of shy, but I can see that you`re breaking the ice and making them work in the classroom. Well done..!! my dear friend...well done..!!

  2. Hello teacher Elizabeth. What you mention is important because all of the activities not only the warm up, but also the other activities must have a relationship with the topics we are developing.
    It's nice to see how your students participate in your classes. that group is nice I was with them in the first period, and they like to participate.
    Continue doing the best of you. I know that you are a nice teacher, but remember that every day you have new experiences in which you can learn and improve.

  3. Elizabeth,

    Those are great activities that you mention. We all know that you enjoy working with any group, but I would like to know your favorite group so far or your favorite experience with a gruop.
    The activity about the celebrities was really inetresting!!

  4. I think that it's a nice idea to relate the warm up with the last topic. However, I also think that it's also good to relate it with the new topic in order to see how much they know, and also for them to get familiar with the new information... :) both ways make sense to me...
    I liked the activity you did about the famous people and the questions!

  5. Hi!!
    I liked the activity you shared. I will take it into account when teaching that structure. What I like about your class is that students are practicing their speaking skill. That is something really important at this level because some students at the advanced level have some problems when speaking!! I have noticed that some students are making very basic mistakes in things they are suppossed to know.

  6. I really liked the activity you mentioned. It sounds great.

    I can see that your class was pretty interesting because students are exploring and developing their skills. Great job My friend. I will use this nice activity you shared with us in future classes.
