Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Journal I last period

“In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work.  It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years.”  ~Jacques Barzun

Being in Intermediate English  I has been a nice experience to me because I have had the experience to teach different levels and I have confirmed that every level requires a different attention and it also requires different ways to apply strategies according to the students and according to the activity that the teacher is going to develop.

During my first class I had the opportunity to start the lesson plan and of course I had to teach grammar. I can say that during this first class, almost all things have gone well. Objectives have been reached, activities have worked, the classroom management and the rapport have been good, and many other things have worked well. The warm up activity was an activity that the students enjoyed very much. Also the grammar part was not too difficult. The students helped me to develop the grammar part. I gave them the uses and the examples in slips of paper and they helped me to explain and to give the examples too.

Even though many things went well during the first class, there is something that I consider students and teachers still need to improve regarding with time. Sometimes it is very hard to start the class with few students and this group has the peculiar characteristic of coming late to the class. However, I consider they will improve this aspect in order to benefit themselves. What really makes me feel happy is that through these experiences I grow as a teacher and these things help me to see what my responsibilities are as a teacher. I know that what I have to do is my best no matter what things I can face in the classroom because there will always be a sun behind the darkest cloud.


  1. It's good to know that you enjoy your teaching with each level. As you say, every one of them requires different things to pay attention to. About the latecomers, I think it's not the only group with that problem. Each of the groups I've been to has had that characteristic. What I do is I begin my warm-up with the ones I've got. When I'm developing the activity, I don't include any latecomers because it takes time to explain over again so they just sit down and it's not our fault that they don't get involved in that one activity. Hope you find it useful...

  2. I really admire the way you work. I have learned many things from you by reading the entries in your blog. I like the way you have been working since you started teaching at the university in the teaching practicum.
    I liked your comments about this last class especially when you share your personal position. I mean your own perspective about the teaching experience you have been facing in this process.

    Thanks for sharing the way you worked and the activities you used in each class!!

  3. Elizabeth, I have read everything you shared in your blog and it inspires me to continue working hard as you always do. Time affects most of us. I think it is one of our enemies. I really like the way you teach grammar. Continue working I´m sure you´ll get what you deserve.
